the main attacking forces were deployed as described above , and the other forces were deployed at the foot of mt . eno in the western part as follows: と攻撃主力を部署し、西部の可愛岳(えのたけ)山麓には以下のように配備された。
yorimasa and his forces barricaded themselves in byodoin temple to oppose the attacking forces in order to let prince mochihito flee , but the taira forces far outnumbered yorimasa ' s , with his son nakatsuna as well as munetsuna and kanetsuna being killed in action or having committed suicide one after another; yorimasa finally committed suicide with watanabe no tonau serving as his suicide assistance . 頼政は以仁王を逃すべく平等院に籠って抵抗するが多勢に無勢で、子の仲綱や宗綱や兼綱が次々に討ち死にあるいは自害し、頼政も渡辺唱の介錯で腹を切って自害した。